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About Xinxiang Institute of Engineering

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-03-15   浏览:

Xinxiang Institute of Engineering (formerly Xinke College of Henan Institute of Science and Technology), founded in 2003, is a private full-time general college registered at the Ministry of Education, with an authority to issue bachelor’s degrees for qualified graduates. It was approved by the education administrative department of the State Council to change its name to Xinxiang Institute of Engineering in 2021.

Located in Xinxiang, Henan province, the Institute covers an area of 1,500 acres, with a total investment of 3.3 billion, and a total construction area of 780,000 square meters. More than 15,000 students study on campus at present, about half the full capacity of 28,000.



          Up to now, 43 majors for undergraduates and another 10 for junior college students have been established, two of which are “comprehensive reform pilot majors of Henan province, and two are “first-class undergraduate major construction sites of Henan Province”, formulating a systematic disciplinary pattern, with an endeavor for concordant development between economics, management, law, literature, science, engineering, agriculture, art, and education, and 13 schools, including International School, Mingde Academy,  Biological Engineering, Food Engineering,  Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering,Economics and Management, Foreign Languages, Humanities and Law, Art, Applied Technology,Marxism and Physical Education, have been well-functioning.

The Institute is equipped with a professional faculty of more than 800 teachers, about 400 of which possessing senior titles. In recent years, more than 50 teachers of the university have been awarded the honorary titles of “Young Backbone Teachers in Colleges and Universities of Henan Province”, “Academic and Technical Leaders of Henan Province”, “Advanced Workers in Education System of Henan Province”, “Excellent Educational Management Talents of Henan Province”, “Advanced Individuals in Private Education of Henan Province”, “Civilized Teachers of Henan Province” and likewise.

More than 80 national awards and over 500 provincial awards have been gained through contests, like National Mathematical Contest in Modeling for College Students, the National Electronic Design Competition for College Students, the National English Competition for College Students, the National 3D Digital Innovation Design Competition, the “Challenge Cup” National Competition of Extracurricular Academic Works of Science and Technology for College Students and other competitions. The annual employment rate of graduates has remained above 95% and the comprehensive qualities and abilities of them have been fully recognized by employers. The passing rate of postgraduate entrance examination has also been maintaining a high level.





        Quite a number of honorary titles have been awarded to the school, such as “Five-Goods Grass-root Party Organization of Henan Province”, “Advanced Grassroot Party Organization of Henan Province”, “Prominent Private College of Henan Province”, “Advanced Unit of Higher Education of Henan Province”, “May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee of Henan Province” and “The Best Co-operative Unit of volunteers for the Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia”.

 The school has a College of International Education, which cooperates with China (Ministry of Education) Overseas Educational Service Centre Chivast Education International to build a high-level, all-round and multi-level international education programme. At present, the university has signed agreements with many universities in France, Japan, Malaysia and other countries to open international undergraduate programmes, and students can get corresponding scholarships or tuition fee reductions according to the agreements between the two universities. After completing the international courses in our university, you can go directly to the overseas partner colleges and universities to study, and after graduation, you can apply for certification of overseas qualifications at the Service Centre for Overseas Educational Research and Development of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The tuition fee is as low as 25,000 RMB/year, and students can apply for bachelor's and master's degree, and there are overseas campuses in some of the overseas partner colleges and universities, which are under the unified management of the university. The students are registered in the KWS International Education Information System of China (Ministry of Education) Overseas Educational Service Centre from the time of their admission, and their files are stored by China (Ministry of Education) Overseas Educational Service Centre, and they can apply for the Dispatch Certificate of Overseas Student Returning to China (equivalent to that of domestic fresh graduates), and enjoy the relevant treatment of overseas students returning to China, so as to achieve high-quality employment.